In "As Defined By," we explore labels: what they do, how they do it, and who they benefit. These pieces are reflections of living within stereotypes and how these stereotypes have skewed our perceptions of ourselves. In the end, though, who is really defining us?

Cristina Morriello

Autistic Girl vs. YA World
Cristina will be discussing how ableism in Young Adult and Middle Grade fiction has negatively affected her as an autistic woman and an aspiring Young Adult author.

Ayyub Hussain

Unbuttoning the Kurta
Through the unpacking of a traumatic memory, "Unbuttoning the Kurta" explores Ayyub's relationship with his body by investigating how society and certain figures from his life have shaped his view of it.

Selena Loureiro

Silent Fragments
“What kind of writer avoids writing like a ghost that haunts them at night?” In Silent Fragments, Selena unravels her struggle with perfectionism and how it has kept her from pursuing her dream.