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Ayyub Hussain is a first-year Criminology student who hopes to make a living as a writer one day. When he is not writing, he can be seen on his phone either listening to music or typing ideas for projects. Sentenia is Ayyub’s first experience as a PWSA Symposium panelist. 

unbuttoning the kurta

Through the unpacking of a traumatic memory, "Unbuttoning the Kurta" explores Ayyub's relationship with his body by investigating how society and certain figures from his life have shaped his view of it.

Ayyub Hussain is a first-year Criminology student who hopes to make a living as a writer one day. When he is not writing, he can be seen on his phone either listening to music or typing ideas for projects. Sentenia is Ayyub’s first experience as a PWSA Symposium panelist.